Q. Why do I need to employ you when I have an architect and can employ the sub contractors directly?
A. Even the very best sub contractors need to be managed on site and programmed to dovetail with all other trades. Good co-ordination between trades is vital to a successful contract. We have a proven track record for building high quality homes on time and on budget and our expertise will enable us to advise you on selection of contractors and suppliers.
Q. What if the costs go over my budget?
A. Part of our mandate is to regularly monitor costs and advise you of the financial implications of any changes you make to your design along the way. This is done concurrent with the progress of the works and you will not therefore get any unpleasant shocks at the final account stage.
Q. Can you provide references?
A. Yes, these can be provided on request.
Q. Can I view other houses you have built?
A. Yes, again this can be arranged on request.
Q. When do I have to pay your fees?
A. The project will be broken down into a number of build stages prior to commencement on site. Invoices from suppliers and sub contractors will then be presented to you for payment in accordance with those stages and the relevant apportionment of our fees will also be submitted for payment at that time.
Q. What safeguards do I have?
A. The NHBC is the standard setting body and leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes in the UK. If we are appointed as Principal Contractors we would, as a fully registered NHBC company, be able to provide all the appropriate benefits of their warranty. This would also be required by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) should you require it.
Q. Would I have any loss of control over the project by using you?
A. Absolutely not. Our remit is to build your home to your specification. What we will do in addition to that is to advise you of the implications to the build programme and the cost of any changes you may wish to make and then to manage the incorporation of those changes into the building.