Project and Construction Management

Pre Build Design Consultancy & Management
- Initial client consultations & design brief
- Architect, Structural Engineer tender invitation & appointment
- Arboriculture, Soil Analysis & Topographical tender invitation & appointment
- Local Authority planning liaison and management
- NHBC Warranty & Building Regulation submission, liaison and management
- Local Residents Association liaison and management
- Health & Safety and Site Security consultancy
- National & Local Press liaison
- Landscape design tender invitation & appointment
- Interior design tender invitation & appointment
- Construction Budget preparation & analysis
Project & Construction Management
- Determine construction stages, associated budgets & timescales
- Prepare tender invitation documents for all sub contractors and suppliers
- Complete management of Health & Safety regulations, site insurances, site security & welfare
- Provision of a full time Site Agent & Project Manager
- Provision of quantity surveying and measurement services for the project
- Architect & Structural Engineer liaisons with error & omissions management
- NHBC warranty & building control liaisons & stage inspection management
- Sub Contractor tender analysis and client advice/recommendation
- Material procurement and sourcing
- Full on-site management of appointed sub contractors and quality control of the associated works
- Complete invoice reconciliation & administration
- Construction cost running total, reconciliation and budget comparison
- Construction stage completion reports and cost analysis
- Variation from specified works, advice, costing & management
- Site plant hire, scaffolding & machinery management & qualified operation
- Client visit liaison and variation request management
- Planning Authority & Local Resident Association liaisons
- Landscape Design liaison & implementation management
- Interior Design liaison & implementation management
- Project completion snagging, testing, auditing & cleaning in preparation for occupation
- Small works undertaking by Sycamore Employees – chargeable hourly (skilled or semi-skilled)
Interior & Exterior Landscape Design
- Initial client liaison meetings
- Kitchen Design & Specification
- Bathroom Design & Specification
- Entertainment Suite Design & Specification
- Whole house soft furnishing design utilising existing & new furniture
- Provision of design visuals, material samples and technical layouts for all the rooms
- Provision of 1 st fix technical details for bathroom mechanical services
- Preparation of tender invitation documents for all the above
- Tender document analysis, advice and recommendation
- Chosen contractor management & quality control
- Pre -planning application landscape design consultancy
- Provision of hard and soft landscape design visuals
- Provision of material samples, client advise and recommendation.
- Provide tender invitation documents and specification for the hard and soft landscape designs
- Preparation of interior design & landscape budgets